We were a bit slower to get out the door today because we were just going to go 9.5-12 km. The signage for the distances seem to be quite inaccurate since they often contradict each other and everyone who is tracking with gps says that the distances are farther than listed. It usually feels that way! Following the Camino back through town, we passed quite a few young people who obviously had been out partying all night. They still were wearing their white and red from yesterday, though there was a fair amount of red wine stains on the white shirts. They were buying pizza squares and rolls with chorizo to try to deal with the hangovers. Some were arguing with the men using firehoses to wash down the streets. We had to jump out of the way to avoid the spray. One young guy was crying/howling pitifully from a break up- the girl eventually just walked away from him, leaving him in misery. We decided to buy one of the tempting looking rolls with chorizo and went to sit out by the edge of town. Since it was 8 am by then, we were well behind the bulk of pilgrims and had the paths mostly to ourselves. It was primarily paved today and wound its way through vineyards and pine groves to Logrono.
Logrono is a large city of 150,000. The path led along the river and over a pretty bridge into town. We weren't exactly sure where our albergue was located. Some of the streets were closed for a marathon. We couldn't find the address listed in the guide book, so we called a couple of times to get directions.
At one point I misunderstood which part of the street was blocked off and a police officer came over and shooed me off the street. Good thing, because moments later, the leading clock car with the front runners of the race came right where I had been standing. Once again I found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Amy, I love following your blog! So glad you decided to do it. And I admire you for taking on this great adventure, I shall live vicariously through you. But, what did you do to your knee? It looks like you have a brace. love, Kathy