Buen Camino

This blog will be about my thoughts, impressions and experiences along the Camino de Santiago in Spain and my travels following my time there. I am delighted and honored to have you journey along with me during this pilgrimage.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

All God's Creatures

There are lovely white cows with bells that we can hear from far away, sheep, Rams, horses and colts, geese and aggressive cats to name a few of the animals we have seen along the Way. As soon as we sat down to eat our hard earned morning snack, 4 aggressive cats pounced on our food and café con leche. I tried to shoo them away but they weren't intimidated by me. I gave up and went to a different spot. A few bees followed me, but at least they didn't fly down my shirt like they did at rest stop the day before. I did quite a wild and crazy bee dance then...

1 comment:

  1. Amy, We love reading your posts. We can see those cats being aggressive and you doing the bee dance! Be strong! We love you. J & D
