Buen Camino

This blog will be about my thoughts, impressions and experiences along the Camino de Santiago in Spain and my travels following my time there. I am delighted and honored to have you journey along with me during this pilgrimage.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Arriving in Leon

The guide books said if there was a day to skip ahead on the Camino it would be walking into Leon. A lot of the way is through ugly industrial areas and near or on the highway. More than ready for a rest day, we decided to take the bus with about 30 other pilgrims to Leon. It felt strange at first to not be walking after a month of getting everywhere by foot. But it also felt like a good decision. I've been fighting a cold for a week and wanted a rest day in a place with decent accommodations. 

Leon is one of the biggest cities along the Camino. It has a gorgeous cathedral, many other churches, museums, shops and street life. A big farmers market was set up in front of the cathedral when we arrived. It was nice to see all of the produce. It is puzzling that more of it doesn't make it onto our dinner plates. I would kill for a Dino kale salad with lots of fresh vegetables!!! I'm weary of potatoes, bread, pork and fried fish. I did have a really tasty meal last night, but something didn't agree with me and I was up most of the night with the stomach bug. Good thing we aren't walking today. 

I feel up for coffee, so I'm sitting in a cafe writing this before going to tour the cathedral. Hopefully I will be in a better emotional and physical state tomorrow when we plan to head out on the 2nd half of our journey! I've filled up one pilgrims credentials book and started my 2nd here in Leon. The credentials are stamped everywhere you stay and occasionally at churches or other locations. They prove that you actually did the Camino and are necessary to receive your certificate in Santiago.

My scallop shell that I had as a pilgrim symbol on my backpack broke when I got off the bus yesterday. That made me sad because it has been with me for my whole journey so far. I can buy a replacement one easily because they sell them everywhere, but mine was from Sanibel Island in Florida where I went years ago on vacation with my family and aunt and uncle. The Camino keeps making me let go of things, plans, control... I wonder how much more of this lesson I will have to experience...

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry your shell broke :( The lesson of letting go is such a good one :)
