Buen Camino

This blog will be about my thoughts, impressions and experiences along the Camino de Santiago in Spain and my travels following my time there. I am delighted and honored to have you journey along with me during this pilgrimage.

Friday, October 23, 2015

What If?

What if normal life was more like life on the Camino?

What if we thought we had no idea what was going to happen to us every day?

What if we were open to the possibility of meeting new people just because they happened to walk up next to us?

What if we greeted every single person we met with a blessing for their day?

What if we shared our names with anyone we spoke to for more than a minute or two?

What if we took the time to walk with someone and ask about their journey and really listen to them for as long as they wanted to share?

What if we were willing to share honestly about our dreams and fears and desires?

What if we felt free to dream without boundaries or expectations or ridicule?

What if we didn't think it was crazy that someone could walk up to you and begin a conversation and that you would spend the next week walking and talking and sharing your lives with each other? And then have to say goodbye and part ways?

What if we held loosely but dearly everyone entrusted to us for however long they are in our lives?

What if we were grateful to have a place to sleep even if it is in a bunk bed in a room with 30 other people?

What if we had the drive and determination to walk 15 miles or so every day even if we had horrible blisters or sore knees?

What if we realized that life is a journey and every day we are excited just to continue along the path before us?

What if beer and cigarettes really are a nourishing 10am snack?

What if we doubt that we have the energy to take another step yet find that we can actually go for many miles more?

What if we have eyes to see beauty in landscape that is often considered boring flat and ugly?

What if we set aside our pride and let someone else carry out pack when we need help?

What if we trust that Camino angels are there to support and bless us when needed?

What if we believe that we can be angels or agents of blessings to people that we hardly know?

What if we believed that a kind word or thought or act was the most important thing we could do all day?

What if we lived knowing that we eat or drink or wear isn't nearly as important as being kind and grateful?

What if we understood that even though we are in some ways utterly alone that all of life is relational at its core?

What if we give up on the illusion that we are in control of our lives?

What if we pay attention, be still and let go?

What if we actually trust that God loves us more than we can imagine and is holding us in His hands?

What if we believe we are completely beloved?

What if normal life was more like the Camino?


  1. Amy, this is sooooo beautiful. I am going to forward it on to another friend of ours who walked the Camino about a year ago.

  2. Amy, this is sooooo beautiful. I am going to forward it on to another friend of ours who walked the Camino about a year ago.
