Buen Camino

This blog will be about my thoughts, impressions and experiences along the Camino de Santiago in Spain and my travels following my time there. I am delighted and honored to have you journey along with me during this pilgrimage.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Boiled Octopus

One of the local specialties in O Cebriero is boiled octopus. Many of the bars have creative signs promoting the dish. I saw it at dinner and it looked like it might have been quite tasty if I didn't just have the stomach flu. I settled for a small bowl of the other specialty, cabbage potato soup. 

This morning all the pilgrims that wanted coffee or breakfast made their way to the one bar that was open. It was a frosty cold morning and as soon as I entered the bar my glasses fogged up. I was reminded for some reason of the scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark when Harrison Ford enters that bar way up high in the mountains. Everyone was hunched over their coffee or impatiently waiting in a ridiculously long line for the one person working there to make all their espressos and breakfasts. The lingering odor of the boiled octopus overcame my senses and I bolted for the door while yelling to my friends that I would meet them in the next town for coffee.

The sunrise was spectacular and I stopped often to take photos and enjoy the colors. I love the lush landscape here in Galicia.

I had a nice but draining walk on my own for 6km to the next town where I met up with a guy from Bermuda that I had gotten to know the day before. We had coffee and toast (the bread is no longer white baguettes but closer to a nice sour dough!)

After digesting for awhile and using wifi I headed out for the next 6km. I was glad to be walking after not being able to for 2 days, but I hadn't eaten hardly anything and didn't have much energy. 

Right before town a herd of cows were being led down the path we were on. I bravely made my way past them. I'm staying in the tiny hamlet of Fonfria. There  are cows grazing right next to our Albergue. Very bucolic. 

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