Buen Camino

This blog will be about my thoughts, impressions and experiences along the Camino de Santiago in Spain and my travels following my time there. I am delighted and honored to have you journey along with me during this pilgrimage.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Vanishing Act

The old eastern span of the Bay Bridge is in the middle of a vanishing act. Slowly but surely sections are being pulled apart and hauled away. A couple of days ago I walked on the pedestrian/bike path that makes its way under the maze of overpasses, pass the sewage plant and up to and alongside the beautiful new span. 

I received a couple of phone calls along the way and the whooshing of the cars made my callers inquire as to my whereabouts. There was some alarm when I said I was walking on the Bay Bridge before I clarified that I was on the pedestrian path.

The dismantling of the bridge reminds me of the 1989 earthquake that caused a section of it to collapse. It reminds me, as do the returning college students, of how long Berkeley has been my home and how much I have loved living here. I will miss this beautiful crazy place while I'm in France. Once again I'm leaving my "shire" and heading off on a journey which holds all manner of wonders which I can only guess at now. 


  1. Nice writing and images, as always, you gifted soul, you. Thanks for this. I have run, biked and roller-bladed the new bridge's bike path and found it, like you, to be a wondrous experience any ol' way one chooses to navigate it. Thanks again, Amy.

  2. Bon Voyage, Amy. We are praying for you this morning as you go....praying for a safe trip, for meaningful experiences that grow you in new ways, and for your walk with our Lord alongside. Blessings!
